Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding ngrx-forms.

My input element keeps losing focus after each keystroke. What is causing this?

This most commonly happens when rendering the input inside an *ngFor loop. In this case you must make sure that you use a trackBy function. The reason for this is that the form state for the input is updated on every keystroke and therefore a change detection is triggered for the component the form state is bound to. Without a proper trackBy this in turn may lead to each element in the loop to be re-rendered and therefore any inputs or other form elements will lose focus.

I am using @angular/material and my validation errors are not showing. In your example application it works. Why?

Sadly the @angular/material error handling only properly integrates with @angular/forms out of the box. To make it work with ngrx-forms you will need to write a custom error state matcher. The easiest way is to simply copy the one used by the example application (or simply copy the whole material folder for other fixes). By including this directive globally in your application (e.g. by exporting it from a shared module) the error state matching will properly be applied to all @angular/material form elements. If it still does not work you may have to extend the error state matcher with more logic to handle other types of form elements.

I am using @angular/material and mat-select is not working. In your example application it works. Why?

Sadly @angular/material does not properly export the ControlValueAccessor for mat-select. Therefore you will need to write a custom form view adapter. The easiest way is to simply copy the one used by the example application (or simply copy the whole material folder for other fixes). By including this directive globally in your application (e.g. by exporting it from a shared module) mat-selects should start working with ngrx-forms. There may be other form elements that do not export the ControlValueAccessor properly in which case you will have to do the same for those.

How can I validate or set user defined properties immediately after my form state is created?

You can simply run an update of the form state when creating the initial state. The following example shows how to set some user defined properties when creating the form state.

const INITIAL_FORM_STATE = updateGroup<MyFormValue>(
  createFormGroupState<MyFormValue>(FORM_ID, {
    someTextInput: '',
    someCheckbox: false,
    nested: {
      someNumber: 0,
    someTextInput: setUserDefinedProperty('allowedValues', ['foo', 'bar']),
    nested: updateGroup<MyFormValue['nested']>({
      someNumber: setUserDefinedProperty('maxValue', 10),

Is it safe to use ngrx-forms together with @angular/forms?

Yes, both form mechanisms can be used in the same application. I recommend using ngrx-forms for everything though for obvious reasons ;) If you still need to use both please ensure that the NgrxFormsModule is imported after the FormsModule/ReactiveFormsModule since there is an issue with the way @angular/forms registers some of their directives (see this issue for more details).

What is the meaning of life?

Sorry, can't help you with that.